Why is it difficult to find one’s self? Many of us often struggle with this, feeling unsure about who we truly are or feeling a bit lost in the process. Our lives keep changing – so how do we really find our true selves?
Why is it difficult to find one’s self? Many of us often struggle with this, feeling unsure about who we truly are or feeling a bit lost in the process. Our lives keep changing – so how do we really find our true selves?
Valeria sits down with existential psychotherapist, Sara Kuburic. They talk about Sara's upcoming book, "It's On Me," and delve into what existential therapy is all about. They also discuss how we can let go of our old selves, how we end up losing our identity, and how we can find ourselves even when life gets messy and complicated. Join us for this insightful conversation that'll not only get you thinking but also provide valuable insights into navigating the complexities of life and self-discovery.